St. Patrick's Faith Formation Goal
Invites all parishioners to participate in our "Womb to Tomb" programming for all ages and levels of participation. Our parish strives to help all the faithful, from birth to death, grow and strengthen their faith by offering a variety of opportunities to learn and experience our Catholic faith. These opportunities highlight both our church and everyday life.
In addition, the Faith Formation Office seeks to partner with parents and guardians, who are the first teachers of the Catholic faith to their children, in order to foster a love of God and strive to present the essential truths of our Catholic faith to the children and youth of St. Patrick's Parish.
- "The experience of God in the family, whether named or not, enters each person at a fundamentally deep and lasting level. This cannot be denied. God is present as long as genuine love is present and acted on. We don't need to import God into the family. God is already there. The family is the first and foremost setting where each of us is formed and encounters the love of the living God! Love begets love. Plain and simple. And love is happening in families. In various degrees and ways." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Familystyle, Dr. David Thomas & Mary Joyce Calnan, page 126)
- The home is the most influential force in the life of a child and is responsible for the faith life of that same child. Faith Formation supplements the family's faith development process and our catechists are faith-filled people dedicated to sharing their faith and spreading the message of Jesus with the youth of our parish.
- Our focus is to provide an atmosphere for the growth of each whole child as a person in the spiritual, moral, physical and intellectual aspect of his/her life in order to give each child the opportunity to respond with thoughtful action, initiative and creativity and to help each student experience Jesus' love so that he or she can make a spontaneous response to Christianity in their daily life.
Children and Youth Faith Formation Classes
Youth from First Grade through Eleventh Grade (Confirmation) are invited to participate in our Faith Formation Classes. Faith Formation classes for First through Tenth Grade run from the middle of September through the middle of April. Classes for grades first thru tenth are Wednesdays from 6:15pm-7:30pm. In addition to standard classes, we have family nights which include service actitivies and/or whole family learning, please look at our calendar for the current year to see when those dates will be.
During each Faith Formation year, students will have the opportunity to actively participate in a leadership role during Mass. A sign up will be sent out at the beginning of the year where the student can choose the role they would like to fill - hospitality minister, reader, gift bearer, choir, etc. The dates for each of these Masses are also listed on the calendar for the current year. Students are encouraged to participate in any role at every Mass by simply contacting Faith Formation Director ahead of time or simply asking those assigned to the role that Mass.
First Reconciliation and First Communion Classes have some classes where their parents and prayer partners will attend as a part of their sacramental prep. These are clearly noted on the current year's Faith Formation calendar.
Confirmation Classes (Eleventh Grade) take place on three Sundays a month immediately following 10:00 Mass, approximate time is 11:15am-1:30pm and these classes run from October through April. In addition to classes, the Confirmation candidates will attend an overnight retreat, participate in activities with their prayer partners, complete service hours, write a letter to the Bishop, meet with their sponsors, and have a Confirmation interview with Katy Shaffer (Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry) and Father Judah.
Enrollment Guidelines for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, & Confirmation
- Students entering our program after first grade must be enrolled in Faith Formation the year prior to receiving the sacrament. This year of Faith Formation is needed to ensure the child's understanding and appreciation of the faith and the Sacraments.
- An up-to-date Baptismal Certificate is REQUIRED before the reception of the sacraments.
- The Sacraments of First Reconciliation & First Eucharist are usually celebrated in the Second Grade.
- The Sacrament of Confirmation is usually celebrated in the Eleventh Grade or at the age of 16 (at beginning of Preparation Time)
- Individual cases will be reviewed at the discretion of the coordinator.
Faith Formation Registration Form and Instructions
- Faith Formation Handbook
- 2024-25 Letter to Parents
- 2024-25 Registration Form (English)
- 2024-25 Registration Form (Spanish)
- Ministry Opportunities Sign Up
- 2024-25 Faith Formation Calendar
- 2024-25 Confirmation Parent Letter
- 2024-25 Confirmation Calendar
- Confirmation Service Form
- SIgn ups for Mass Participation
St. Mary Catholic Schools
St. Patrick's Parish supports the St. Mary Catholic Schools. Parishioners selecting Catholic Day School Education for their children are invited to explore and choose the grade school that best meets each child's need. Children from St. Patrick's Parish attend all of these schools:
- St. Mary Catholic Grade School at St. Gabriel Parish Campus - 725-4161
- St. Mary Catholic Grade School at St. Margaret Mary Parish Campus - 729-4565
- St. Mary Catholic Grade School at St. Mary Parish Campus - 725-5351
- St. Mary Catholic Middle School - 727-0279
- St. Mary Catholic High School - 722-7796