8am & 10am - English
12pm - Español
Daily Mass/Misa diaria
Tuesday-Friday 8am - English
***There will be no morning Mass until January 7.
Adoration is the first Friday of the month - 8:30am
La adoración es el primer viernes del mes - 8:30am
Solemnity of All Saints/ Solemnidad de Todos los santos
Friday, November 1
***St. Patrick's will not have a Mass on November 1 for All Saints Day.
This is a Holy Day of Obligation, so please attend one of our neighboring parishes!
Thanksgiving/ Día de Acción de Gracias
Thursday, November 28: 9am - English
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary/ Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María
Monday, December 9: 9am - English
Our Lady of Guadalupe/ Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Thursday, December 12: 6:30pm – Español
Christmas Eve/ Nochebuena
Tuesday, December 24: 4:30pm
Christmas Day/ Navidad
Wednesday, December 25: 9am - English
Wednesday, December 25: 12pm - Español
Solemnity of Mary(New Year's Day)/ Solemnidad de María Santísima, Madre de Dios
Wednesday, January 1: 9am - English
Three Kings
(arrival after Mass) Sunday, January 5: 12pm - Español
Confessions are heard after each Sunday Mass or call the office to set up an appointment.
Las confesiones se escuchan después de cada misa dominical o llame a la oficina para programar una cita.
Parish Center
Mon-Thu: 9am - 4pm
Fri. by Appointment